Results for 'Daniela de Oliveira Guimarães'

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  1.  23
    Inf'ncia e Alteridade: Experiência e Criação Na Relação Entre Crianças e Adultos.Deise Arenhart & Daniela de Oliveira Guimarães - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-20.
    The objective of this paper is to make visible and reflect upon the lives and experience of children from the perspective of alterity, Contesting a traditional gaze that understands childhood from the perspective of lack and negativity. The researchers–a doctoral researcher and an early childhood educator– conducted the study with two groups of children aged between four and six years old, in early childhood educational spaces in two distinct and socially unequal contexts: a group of children living in a favela (...)
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    Rumi e o jardim secreto do coração.Mário Guimarães Werneck Filho & Heliane Miscali de Oliveira - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):95-109.
    O presente artigo pretende traçar alguns aspectos concernentes à importância do conceito de coração na mística Islâmica (sufismo), tendo como base a obra de Rumi, intitulada Masnavi. O coração, como conceito técnico no sufismo, possui uma gama vasta de significados que compõem como que um mosaico para a apreensão do conhecimento místico. Purificar o coração é torná-lo órgão de recepção dos mistérios do Amado, é purgá-lo de tudo aquilo que obscureça o conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Masnavi; Rumi; Coração; Teofania; Metaconhecimento; Mística islâmica; (...)
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    Residência integrada multiprofissional em saúde do adulto e do idoso: um ano de formação de enfermeiras em atenção hospitalar.Fernanda Schommer Stein, Renata Simionato, Larissa Borges da Silva, Amábile Rodrigues de Souza Milani, Daniela da Silva Schneider & Solange Machado Guimarães - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Residências Integradas Multiprofissionais em Saúde são programas de pós-graduação caracterizados por ensino em serviço. A ULBRA oferece o programa com ênfase em Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso e Saúde Comunitária. Objetiva-se descrever as atividades realizadas em ambiente hospitalar por enfermeiras. Trata-se de um relato de experiência de enfermeiras residentes em relação ao primeiro ano de formação especializada. O primeiro ano de residência abrangeu atividades em unidades de internação, centro cirúrgico e unidade de tratamento intensivo. Diversas foram as atividades desenvolvidas (...)
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  4. Para Todxs: Natal - uma introdução à lógica formal.P. D. Magnus, Tim Button, Robert Loftis, Robert Trueman, Aaron Thomas Bolduc, Richard Zach, Daniel Durante, Maria da Paz Nunes de Medeiros, Ricardo Gentil de Araújo Pereira, Tiago de Oliveira Magalhães, Hudson Benevides, Jordão Cardoso, Paulo Benício de Andrade Guimarães & Valdeniz da Silva Cruz Junior - 2022 - Natal-RN: PPGFIL-UFRN.
    Livro-texto de introdução à lógica, com (mais do que) pitadas de filosofia da lógica, produzido como uma versão revista e ampliada do livro Forallx: Calgary. Trata-se da versão de 13 de outubro de 2022. Comentários, críticas, correções e sugestões são muito bem-vindos.
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    Espiritualidade infantil: uma revisão sistemática.Helena Brandão Viana & Roberta Rodrigues de Oliveira Guimarães - forthcoming - Horizonte:206206-206206.
    A espiritualidade não está presente apenas no indivíduo adulto. As crianças possuem experiências espontâneas e genuínas com o sagrado. Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo conduzir uma revisão sistemática da literatura para acessar estudos sobre Espiritualidade Infantil. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento nas bases de dados: CAPES, SCIELO e ERIC no período de 2010 a 2020. Foram incluídos estudos que avaliaram alguma faceta da espiritualidade em crianças e adolescentes, publicados em inglês, português ou espanhol, no período entre 2010 e 2020. (...)
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    Serão as Fake News informações?Valdirene Aparecida Pascoal, Janaína Fernandes Guimarães Polonini & Carla Conforto de Oliveira - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):21-43.
    O contexto informativo está ameaçado pela ampla difusão e acesso de fake news – conteúdos falsos, que utilizam de características de notícias provenientes do jornalismo, para que os indivíduos que as recebam, acreditem que possuem cunho verídico, levando o leitor ao erro, devido sua má intencionalidade. Diante disso surge a questão: em que medida poderia uma fake news ser considerada informativa? Expõe-se neste artigo, planos da informação, que concentram algumas das principais teorias da informação. O artigo realizou uma pesquisa descritiva (...)
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    Padrões de Ajustamento na Aposentadoria.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães, Daniela Valle Krieger, Aline Groff Vivian, Márcia Carvalho S. Straliotto & Maslowa Pereira Poeta - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 19:57-68.
    O estudo investigou a experiência de transição para a aposentadoria na perspectiva subjetiva dos sujeitos que a vivenciaram. Foram entrevistados 20 trabalhadores aposentados no período de até 18 meses após o desligamento de suas atividades laborais. As entrevistas seguiram roteiro semi-estruturado e..
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    O movimento operário E a formação do trabalhador.Luiz Inácio Gaiger & Daniela de Oliveira - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):91-96.
    O artigo tem como foco a participação das organizações operárias na formação educacional do trabalhador rio-grandense. Com base na análise de obras repertoriadas sobre o tema, identifica, de um lado, os aspectos em destaque na bibliografia e, de outro, as experiências operárias mais significativas para a formação do trabalhador. Centra-se na Primeira República, revisando a literatura e caracterizando as práticas pedagógicas e a influência das correntes anarquistas.
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    Questões éticas em tratamento temático da informação e o impacto sobre a acessibilidade informacional.Daniela Francescutti Martins Hott & Lais Pereira de Oliveira - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):44-58.
    Aborda a ética no tratamento temático da informação dentro da dinâmica do acesso e uso informacional. Objetiva discutir teoricamente questões éticas em tratamento temático da informação e o impacto dessas sobre a acessibilidade informacional. Metodologicamente, tem-se pesquisa de ordem teórica, exploratório-descritiva e de abordagem qualitativa. Emprega revisão de literatura sobre artigos de periódicos, trabalhos publicados em eventos e capítulos de livro do campo biblioteconômico-informacional. A reflexão teórica evidencia pontos de necessário aperfeiçoamento, a fim de que se garanta um processo representativo (...)
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    Regulación de la producción de peces ornamentales y sus efectos excluyente en la agricultura familiar en Minas Gerais, Brasil.Homero Chiaraba Gouveia, Matheus Anchieta Ramirez, Alan Figueiredo de Oliveira, Luana Teixeira Lopes, Gustavo Henrique Silva Camargo & Daniela Chemim De Melo Hoyos - 2021 - Ratio Juris 16 (33):475-501.
    Este trabajo investiga las interrelaciones entre la regulación y los as-pectos económicos y ambientales en una comunidad de agricultores familiares en la región conocida como Zona da Mata Mineira, en el estado brasileño de Minas Gerais. El estudio es producto de una acti-vidad de extensión realizada entre 2016 y 2018, y tuvo como objetivo asesorar a los pequeños productores en el proceso de adecuación legal de la producción. Durante este período se realizaron cerca de cinco reuniones entre investigadores y comuneros, (...)
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  11.  27
    Uma Vida dedicada à filosofia: As contribuições do professor luizir de Oliveira ao curso de filosofia da ufpi.José Luís de Barros Guimarães - 2020 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 11 (22):36-40.
    Nós, seres humanos, somos a única espécie viva da face da terra que literalmente somos submetidos a um processo de instrução formal. E dentro desta amplo processo de formação cultural que experienciamos intensamente ao longo da nossa trajetória existencial - desenhada por meio dos traços intersubjetivos que estabelecemos com as instituições educacionais que contribuíram efetivamente para que nos tornássemos aquilo que somos do ponto de vista intelectual, afetivo, moral e profissional - arrisco a dizer que, todos nós, de algum modo, (...)
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    Uma Vida dedicada à filosofia: As contribuições do professor luizir de Oliveira ao curso de filosofia da ufpi.José Luis De Barros Guimarães - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 11 (22):36-40.
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    O mundo proseado: encontros com Melrleau-Ponty, Guimarães Rosa e Christopher Bollas.Iraquitan de Oliveira Caminha - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):91-100.
    Our intention is to problematize the use of language in the context in which prose is used to say the world in which we live. The world is the place where we establish our common dwelling within language. To make the route of our elaborations, we walked with Merleau-Ponty, Guimarães Rosa and Christopher Bollas. Philosophy, Literature and Psychoanalysis are summoned to think that every reflection carries with itself an irreducible existential dimension, which precedes every form of thought. The original (...)
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  14.  32
    Determinações Sociais da Saúde e Os Desafios Na Propagação e Combate Ao Covid-19.Renata Lima Oliveira, Ana Carolina Miano, Leodinilde Pinto Caetano, Mercedes Queiroz Zuliani & Daniela Queiroz Zuliani - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):56-70.
    In late 2019, an infectious disease with a high rate of human-to-human transmission was identified in Wuhan, China, which was called Covid-19. In a short time, this disease affected several regions of the world and became a pandemic, with huge impacts on people's lives and the environment. This article aims to investigate the existing relationships between health and the environment, at the moment of confronting Covid-19 in Brazil, focusing on the socioenvironmental issues of sanitation and agglomeration and its consequences/limits for (...)
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    A Strategy to Improve Knowledge about Health Policies and Evidence Based Medicine for Federal Magistrates in Health Litigation.Bruno Barcala Reis, Marcus Carvalho Borin, Marcelo Dolzany da Costa, Renato Luís Dresch, Osvaldo Oliveira Araújo Firmo, Melissa Cordeiro Guimarães, Carla Barbosa Morais Alves, Nelio Gomes Ribeiro Junior, Ludmila Peres Gargano, Túlio Tadeu Rocha Sarmento, Pâmela Santos Azevedo, Isabella de Figueiredo Zuppo, Carolina Zampirolli Dias, Vania Cristina Canuto dos Santos, Juliana Alvares-Teodoro, Francisco de Assis Acurcio & Augusto Afonso Guerra Junior - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):807-817.
    Several countries maintain universal health coverage, which implies responsibility to organize delivery formats of healthcare services and products for citizens. In Brazil, the health system has a principle of universal access for more than 30 years, but many deficiencies remain and the country observes a day practice for those seeking judicial decisions to determine provision of healthcare.
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  16. Differential vulnerability of substantia nigra and corpus striatum to oxidative insult induced by reduced dietary levels of essential fatty acids.Henriqueta D. Cardoso, Priscila P. Passos, Claudia J. Lagranha, Anete C. Ferraz, Eraldo F. Santos Júnior, Rafael S. Oliveira, Pablo E. L. Oliveira, Rita de C. F. Santos, David F. Santana, Juliana M. C. Borba, Ana P. Rocha-de-Melo, Rubem C. A. Guedes, Daniela M. A. F. Navarro, Geanne K. N. Santos, Roseane Borner, Cristovam W. Picanço-Diniz, Eduardo I. Beltrão, Janilson F. Silva, Marcelo C. A. Rodrigues & Belmira L. S. Andrade da Costa - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  17.  34
    Literatura e seus modos de leitura: a mediação literária para estudantes do ensino médio.Alexandra Santos Pinheiro & João Vitor Oliveira - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022001.
    Este artigo analisa oficinas de leitura efetuadas com alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública e de uma escola particular da cidade de Dourados/MS. Tais oficinas foram constituídas por textos que reconfiguravam a personagem Chapeuzinho Vermelho ao longo do tempo, e a mediação de leitura visava a buscar, nas interpretações dos estudantes, novas leituras acerca dos textos Chapeuzinho Vermelho, nas versões de Charles Perrault e dos irmãos Grimm; além do conto Fita Verde no Cabelo: nova velha (...)
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    Cristianismo e modernidade: a crise do cristianismo pré-moderno e as pistas para sua configuração atual na obra de Torres Queiruga.Edward Neves Monteiro de Barros Guimarães - 2006 - Horizonte 5 (9):140-142.
  19. A aplicação do princípio responsabilidade de Hans Jonas na prática médica.José Luis de Barros Guimarães - 2011 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 2 (4):75-90.
    O filósofo alemão Hans Jonas dedica-se a questões que estão na agenda da discussão ética contemporânea. Sua teoria ético-metafísica, explicitada no livro O princípio responsabilidade: ensaio de uma ética para a civilização contemporânea retoma e amplia as indagações a respeito da relação existente entre homem e técnica na modernidade. O ponto de partida da sua tese é a afirmação de que as novas dimensões do agir humano - ocasionadas pela tecnologia - tornaram possível a realização de ações de grande impacto (...)
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  20. A adoção Por casais homoafetivos à Luz dos princípios da dignidade da Pessoa humana E da igualdade material.Marcyo Keveny de Lima Freitas & Patrícia Borba Vilar Guimarães - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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  21. Direito à Vida frente à liberdade de crença religiosa: Uma análise jurídica da recusa à transfusão de sangue em testemunhas de jeová.Marcyo Keveny de Lima Freitas & Patrícia Borba Vilar Guimarães - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (1).
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    Crítica À Idéia de Formação a Partir da Obra de Foucault.Marco de Camargo von Zuben & Marcelo Senna Guimarães - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 6:36-44.
    Neste texto, pretende-se investigar a apropriação das idéias de Foucault em textos de Jorge Larrosa, na medida em que essa apropriação contribui para a discussão da formação. Através da análise dos modos como a pedagogia é produtora de subjetividades, Larrosa pretende construir as bases de um método que permita avaliar exemplos pedagógicos concretos.
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    Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia.Maria de Lourdes de Albuquerque Fávero & Eloísa Guimarães (eds.) - 1989 - RJ [i.e. Rio de Janeiro]: Editora UFRJ.
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  24. Educação para a paz e novas tecnologias.Dom Irineu Rezende Guimarães - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3).
    Resumo : O presente artigo objetiva investigar o tema cultura da paz no contexto das novas tecnologias. Não obstante os meios de comunicação exponham as diversas faces da violência, o fato é que se está vivendo, em todos os cantos do mundo, um período de muito interesse, criatividade e empenho na luta pela paz. Para explicitar isso, o texto buscará articular quatro pontos: 1) estabelecer a questão fundamental da educação e da cultura da paz , discernindo seu objetivo e escopo (...)
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  25.  53
    When Corporations Cause Harm: A Critical View of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Crimes.Rafael Alcadipani & Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):285-297.
    Corporations perform actions that can inflict harm with different levels of intensity, from death to material loss, to both companies’ internal and external stakeholders. Research has analysed corporate harm using the notions of corporate social irresponsibility and corporate crime. Critical management studies have been subjecting management and organizational practices and knowledge to critical analysis, and corporate harm has been one of the main concerns of CMS. However, CMS has rarely been deployed to analyse CSIR and corporate crime. Thus, the aim (...)
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  26.  59
    Scientific practice as ecological-enactive co-construction.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, Thomas van Es & Inês Hipólito - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-33.
    Philosophy of science has undergone a naturalistic turn, moving away from traditional idealized concerns with the logical structure of scientific theories and toward focusing on real-world scientific practice, especially in domains such as modeling and experimentation. As part of this shift, recent work has explored how the project of philosophically understanding science as a natural phenomenon can be enriched by drawing from different fields and disciplines, including niche construction theory in evolutionary biology, on the one hand, and ecological and enactive (...)
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  27. Gestão de resíduos sólidos em megaventos: Aspectos conceituais.Patrícia Borba Vilar Guimarães & Wilson Costa Soares - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    Is the State a Socially Responsible Shareholder? State-Owned Enterprises, Political Ideology, and Corporate Social Performance.Leonardo Henrique Lima de Pilla, Alketa Peci & Rodrigo de Oliveira Leite - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    The effects of state ownership on firms’ outcomes depend on how governments influence the goals of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Yet scant scholarly attention has been devoted to understanding what circumstances shape governmental influence on SOEs’ corporate social performance (CSP). Addressing this gap is important because SOEs are becoming increasingly more hybrid, and must thus balance multiple private and public stakeholders’ financial and social goals. We contend that, compared to non-SOEs, SOEs face additional institutional and legitimacy pressures that lead them to (...)
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  29. A Marca do Cognitivo e Cognição 4E.Bernardo Gonçalves Alonso & Ronaldo de Oliveira Ramos - 2022 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 29 (58):24-48.
    In this article it is defended that the notion known as “The mark of the cognitive” is better characterized as a process that performs the function of generating intelligent behavior, in a flexible and adaptive way, capable of adapting to circumstances, given it is a context sensitive process. For that, some relevant definitions of cognition are examined. In the end, it is pointed out that the definition of the mark of cognition as a context-sensitive process takes into account several factors (...)
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    A topic discovery approach for unsupervised organization of legal document collections.Daniela Vianna, Edleno Silva de Moura & Altigran Soares da Silva - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (4):1045-1074.
    Technology has substantially transformed the way legal services operate in many different countries. With a large and complex collection of digitized legal documents, the judiciary system worldwide presents a promising scenario for the development of intelligent tools. In this work, we tackle the challenging task of organizing and summarizing the constantly growing collection of legal documents, uncovering hidden topics, or themes that later can support tasks such as legal case retrieval and legal judgment prediction. Our approach to this problem relies (...)
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    Nurses performance in clinical ethics committees and commissions: An integrative review.Gabriela Menezes Gonçalves de Brito & Darci de Oliveira Santa Rosa - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):688-699.
    Background: The research on nursing professionals in Clinical Ethics Committees and Nursing Ethics Commissions occurs in different parts of the world; however, little information on this subject is found in the literature. Objective: This study analyzed national and international publications in relation to the participation of nursing professionals in Clinical Ethics Committees. Research design: This was an integrative review of articles published in national and international journals between 1994 and 2016 which described the participation of nursing professionals in ethics commissions. (...)
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  32.  52
    Roles of Technical Reasoning, Theory of Mind, Creativity, and Fluid Cognition in Cumulative Technological Culture.Emmanuel De Oliveira, Emanuelle Reynaud & François Osiurak - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):326-340.
    Cumulative technological culture can be defined as the progressive diversification, complexification, and enhancement of technological traits through generations. An outstanding issue is to specify the cognitive bases of this phenomenon. Based on the literature, we identified four potential cognitive factors: namely, theory-of-mind, technical-reasoning, creativity, and fluid-cognitive skills. The goal of the present study was to test which of these factors—or a combination thereof—best predicted the cumulative performance in two experimental, micro-society conditions differing in the nature of the interaction allowed between (...)
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    Representationalism is a dead end.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):209-235.
    Representationalism—the view that scientific modeling is best understood in representational terms—is the received view in contemporary philosophy of science. Contributions to this literature have focused on a number of puzzles concerning the nature of representation and the epistemic role of misrepresentation, without considering whether these puzzles are the product of an inadequate analytical framework. The goal of this paper is to suggest that this possibility should be taken seriously. The argument has two parts, employing the “can’t have” and “don’t need” (...)
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    The Role of the Private Sector in Global Climate and Energy Governance.José Célio Silveira Andrade & José Antônio Puppim de Oliveira - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):375-387.
    The private sector plays an active role in implementation of mechanisms concerning the mitigation of climate change. In spite of that, the corporate actors play a limited direct role in international arenas when it comes to negotiating the design of climate and energy regime. The climate and energy governance in the United Nations system remains mostly state-centric, but the active participation of corporate actors in negotiation of climate and energy regimes is essential to increase the effectiveness of their governance. Business (...)
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    Environmental Management, Climate Change, CSR, and Governance in Clusters of Small Firms in Developing Countries: Toward an Integrated Analytical Framework.Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour & Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (1):130-151.
    One of the key debates in the literature on small and medium enterprises and corporate social responsibility in developing countries has to do with the role that local industrial districts, or so-called industrial clusters, play in the promotion of CSR in those countries. While there is now an embryonic literature on this subject, we lack systematic, integrated analytical frameworks that can improve our understanding of the role that governance of clusters play in addressing CSR concerns in SMEs in developing countries. (...)
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    On the identity type as the type of computational paths.F. Ramos Arthur, J. G. B. De Queiro Ruy & G. De Oliveira Anjolina - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):562-584.
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    A decolonial critical theory of artificial intelligence.Nythamar H. de Oliveira - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (1):1-18.
    In this paper, I argue for a normative reconstruction, from a decolonial perspective of critical theory in Brazil and Latin America, of a democratic ethos that despite its weaknesses and normative deficits is capable of fostering an increasingly deliberative, participatory, and egalitarian democracy by making extensive use of new digital technologies (comprising both AI systems and digital governance). Its argumentative core boils down to the promotion of intersectional egalitarianism (socio-economic, gender, racial-ethnic, environmental) through digital inclusion, which seems only feasible to (...)
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    Explanatory Diversity and Embodied Cognitive Science: Reflexivity Motivates Pluralism.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2023 - In Mark-Oliver Casper & Giuseppe Flavio Artese, Situated Cognition Research: Methodological Foundations. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-76.
    Explanatory diversity is a salient feature of the sciences of the mind, where different projects focus on neural, psychological, cognitive, social or other explanations. The same happens within embodied cognitive science, where ecological, enactive, dynamical, phenomenological and other approaches differ from each other in their explanations of the embodied mind. As traditionally conceived, explanatory diversity is philosophically problematic, fueling debates about whether the different explanations are competing, compatible, or tangential. In contrast, this paper takes the perspective of embodied cognitive science (...)
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    The strong program in embodied cognitive science.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (4):841-865.
    A popular trend in the sciences of the mind is to understand cognition as embodied, embedded, enactive, ecological, and so on. While some of the work under the label of “embodied cognition” takes for granted key commitments of traditional cognitive science, other projects coincide in treating embodiment as the starting point for an entirely different way of investigating all of cognition. Focusing on the latter, this paper discusses how embodied cognitive science can be made more reflexive and more sensitive to (...)
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    Thomas Kuhn, the Image of Science and the Image of Art: The First Manuscript of Structure.J. C. Pinto de Oliveira - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (6):746-765.
    Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science, which he developed by focusing on physics, was later applied by other authors to virtually all areas or disciplines of culture. What interests me here, however, is the movement in the opposite direction: the role that one of these disciplines, history of art, played in the conception of Kuhn'stheoryof science.In a 1969 article, his only published text concerning science and art, Kuhn makes a brief and intriguing observation about The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He says (...)
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    Diversity of solutions: An exploration through the lens of fixed-parameter tractability theory.Julien Baste, Michael R. Fellows, Lars Jaffke, Tomáš Masařík, Mateus de Oliveira Oliveira, Geevarghese Philip & Frances A. Rosamond - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103644.
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    Ethical issues associated with HIV molecular epidemiology: a qualitative exploratory study using inductive analytic approaches.Farirai Mutenherwa, Douglas R. Wassenaar & Tulio de Oliveira - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundHIV molecular epidemiology is increasingly recognized as a vital source of information for understanding HIV transmission dynamics. Despite extensive use of these data-intensive techniques in both research and public health settings, the ethical issues associated with this science have received minimal attention. As the discipline evolves, there is reasonable concern that existing ethical and legal frameworks and standards might lag behind the rapid methodological developments in this field. This is a follow-up on our earlier work that applied a predetermined analytical (...)
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    Radical embodied cognitive science and “Real Cognition”.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, Vicente Raja & Anthony Chemero - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):115-136.
    A persistent criticism of radical embodied cognitive science is that it will be impossible to explain “real cognition” without invoking mental representations. This paper provides an account of explicit, real-time thinking of the kind we engage in when we imagine counter-factual situations, remember the past, and plan for the future. We first present a very general non-representational account of explicit thinking, based on pragmatist philosophy of science. We then present a more detailed instantiation of this general account drawing on nonlinear (...)
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    “Keep That in Mind!” The Role of Positive Affect in Working Memory for Maintaining Goal-Relevant Information.Jessica S. B. Figueira, Luiza B. Pacheco, Isabela Lobo, Eliane Volchan, Mirtes G. Pereira, Leticia de Oliveira & Isabel A. David - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On automorphisms of arbitrary mathematical systems.José Sebastião E. Silva & A. J. Franco de Oliveira - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):91-116.
    Translator's summary The translated paper is an extract, published in 1945, of an unpublished thesis, of both historical and technical import, dealing with notions of definability and their relation to invariance under automorphisms. The author develops a metamathematical Galois theory, and discusses and anticipates some aspects of higher-order model theory in an informal but conceptually rich manner.
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  46. Correntes Fundamentais da Ética Contemporânea. Araújo de Oliveira, Manfredo A. (ed.).Sergio Cremaschi, Manfredo A. Araújo de Oliveira, Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho, Zeljko Loparic, Pergentino S. Pivatto, Maria Cecilia Maringoni de Carvalho, Terence Kennedy, Sonia T. Felipe, F. Javier Herrero, Oswaldo Junior Giacoia & Oswaldo Cirne-Lima - 2000 - Petropolis: Editora Vozes.
    Escritos por onze renomados filósofos os ensaios pretendem, de forma acessível e didática, explicitar as principais tendências e perspectivas da reflexão ética contemporânea. Indicado a estudantes e docentes de filosofia ética, teologia, sociologia e interessados em geral. -/- Prefàcio 1.Tendencias neoaristotelicas na etica atual - Sergio Cremaschi 2. Alasdair MacIntyre e o retorno as tradicoes morais de pesquisa racional - Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho 3. Etica da finitude - Zeljko Loparic 4. Por uma etica ilustrada e progressista: uma defesa (...)
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    Motor imagery modulation of body sway is task-dependent and relies on imagery ability.Thiago Lemos, Nélio S. Souza, Carlos H. R. Horsczaruk, Anaelli A. Nogueira-Campos, Laura A. S. de Oliveira, Claudia D. Vargas & Erika C. Rodrigues - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  48.  44
    [White Paper] Space Biology Reference Experiment Campaigns for High Fidelity Plant Physiology.D. Marshall Porterfield, Richard Barker, Gilbert Cauthorn, Laurence B. Davin, Jose Luiz de Oliveira Schiavon, Justin Elser, Simon Gilroy, Parul Gupta, Raúl Herranz, Christina M. Johnson, Kyra R. Keenan, John Z. Kiss, Colin P. S. Kruse, Norman G. Lewis, Carolina Livi, Aránzazu Manzano, Danilo C. Massuela, Sigrid S. Reinsch, Sreeskandarajan Sutharzan, Dana Tulodziecki, Wagner A. Vendrame & Madelyn J. Whitaker - unknown
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    Sports and Functional Training Improve a Subset of Obesity-Related Health Parameters in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Isabela Ramos Mariano, Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira, Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini, Fabiano Mendes de Oliveira, Cynthia Gobbi Alves Araújo & Kristi Adamo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To investigate the effects of two different modes of physical activity on body composition, physical fitness, cardiometabolic risk, and psychological responses in female adolescents participating in a multi-disciplinary program. The 12-week randomized intervention included 25-adolescents with overweight divided into two groups: sports practice-SPG and functional training-FTG. The SPG intervention was divided into three sports: basketball, handball, and futsal. SPG participants performed one sport 3-times/week, over the course of 1 month. The FTG performed concurrent exercises 3-times/week. This study was registered in (...)
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    Gender, Race and Parenthood Impact Academic Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Survey to Action.Fernanda Staniscuaski, Livia Kmetzsch, Rossana C. Soletti, Fernanda Reichert, Eugenia Zandonà, Zelia M. C. Ludwig, Eliade F. Lima, Adriana Neumann, Ida V. D. Schwartz, Pamela B. Mello-Carpes, Alessandra S. K. Tamajusuku, Fernanda P. Werneck, Felipe K. Ricachenevsky, Camila Infanger, Adriana Seixas, Charley C. Staats & Leticia de Oliveira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is altering dynamics in academia, and people juggling remote work and domestic demands – including childcare – have felt impacts on their productivity. Female authors have faced a decrease in paper submission rates since the beginning of the pandemic period. The reasons for this decline in women’s productivity need to be further investigated. Here, we analyzed the influence of gender, parenthood and race on academic productivity during the pandemic period based on a survey answered by (...)
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